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Zen Commuter

Jan 29, 2016

Dr. Ellen Hendriksen is a clinical psychologist at Boston University's Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD) and the host of the Savvy Psychologist Podcast on the Quick and Dirty Tips Network on iTunes and Stitcher.

She graduated from Brown University, earned her Ph.D. at UCLA, and completed her training...

Jan 28, 2016

Today is the episode you have been waiting for; a step by step guide to learning to love your alone time. 

Jan 27, 2016

The greatest benefit of becoming familiar with and enjoying your alone time is the complete understanding that your happiness is indeed yours.  It doesn't exist outside of who you are, in other people.  That is just one of eight benefits I talk about on today's episode of ZEN commuter


Faucet Face - Sturdy...

Jan 26, 2016

Today I start a two part talk on finding comfort in spending time on your own.  Tomorrow I will talk about the benefits of alone time and also how to attain it.  However, today is important because there are reasons you don't want to be alone and we will identify them today and find positive ways to change them.

Jan 25, 2016

I find so much inspiration in the books I read.  Such is the case of the Wayne Dyer Book I am reading right now, Change your Thought, Change your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao.  I shared a verse with you on episode #449 but the following day I read something that inspired me further; to go 7 days without violent...