Oct 31, 2022
Rob Krecak is the founder and chief Connection Officer of Humans First. Aside from keeping us balanced and mindful with our technology, Rob is a self-professed Nerd, reader, Traveler and fitness enthusiast. Most of all, he's kind, funny and genuine. Come Listen.
Oct 26, 2022
There are so many ways that our cultural mindsets get in the way of good things. Take meditation for example. With all the images and "resources" that are out there, so many people stop before they start. Well, today I want to tell you to forget all about that. If you want to meditate, then you cannot fail; and I...
Oct 24, 2022
On this last day of Lion's Roar week, I share a post that extols the virtue of connecting with trees. Lin Wang Gordon shares how her connection to trees helped her in a difficult time.
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Oct 21, 2022
I am so happy to read to you an interview with two esteemed buddhist and meditation practitioners; Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman. In this interview they answer some great questions about meditation and mindfulness.
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Oct 20, 2022
Today, three esteemed buddhist and meditation practitioners share the struggles they have with difficult emotions. Norman Fischer, Susan Piver and Karen Miller share their stories.
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