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Zen Commuter

Mar 30, 2017

There are some things people seem to take for granted; one thing is their health and their body.  When you are not mindful you take little notice of anything in your environment.  You simply react to things as they come along.

Often the same thing happens with your body.  You eat mindlessly, work way too many hours and...

Mar 29, 2017

I hope you are ready for some science.  Today I talk about the ways that stress wreaks havoc with your ability to lose weight, regardless of whether you are eating right, exercising and building muscle.

You can be doing all those things right, but if you are anxious and stressing you are creating a situation that will...

Mar 28, 2017

When was the last time you ate food?  No, i'm not talking about the last time you ate.  I'm talking about the last time you JUST ate food?  Our culture praises multitasking and many times we eat food and don't even recognize that we ate anything, or that we ate too much.  Such is the case when we eat mindlessly.  You...

Mar 27, 2017

I went to the doctor for my annual checkup and he said everything was absolutely perfect except for my fasting blood sugar.  He said it was a little high but it would go back to the range it needed to be if I lost roughly ten pounds.  I was thinking I wanted to do the same thing, get leaner.  So I have been eating like...

Mar 26, 2017

All this week I have talked about very practical ways about dealing with hardships, from mental toughness, to the story of Helen Keller.  I even talked about how to proactively get ready for difficulties.  But today I want to talk about some equally important elements for overcoming that are less talked about, mainly...