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Zen Commuter

Jun 30, 2014

The world can be a tough place at times.  Are there things you can do to make it easier for someone?  You know there are.  It will mean even more if you practice a random act of kindness and never tell a soul about it.

Your soul knows the bounty of a kind deed.  There is no need to broadcast it.  Listen to ZENcommuter...

Jun 27, 2014

The road to achieving your goals may be difficult.  But it sure beats giving in to a routine existence.  You may have hardships but they will never beat you if you follow the steps outlined in today's Zen commuter.

Fear, deservedness and frustration all have antidotes!

Jun 26, 2014

Journaling is by far the best way to improve as a person.  Of course, that’s a huge statement.  The reason it’s so valid though is because journaling entails a wide range of rationales as to why to journal, and an equal number of positive outcomes.  You might just want to write down the events of the day.  Possibly...

Jun 25, 2014

You have the ability to reach whatever goals you set your mind to.  If you don’t believe me then listen to today’s ZENcommuter.  I will show you how easy it is to create a plan for even the most challenging of goals.  The secret is in breaking it down into the most actionable steps.

You know the saying, don’t you?

Jun 24, 2014

This is it.  The time we have been building up to since the beginning of last week.  Today and tomorrow I am going to show you how to create action plans for the dreams you arrived at last week.

It is a little scary and alot exciting.  I am with you the entire way.  Buckle in and get ready for a new life, a purposeful...