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Zen Commuter

Feb 28, 2017

It is becoming more and more widely known that fat doesn't make you fat, it's sugars.  But do you know which sugars are responsible?  If you don't, you will by the end of the episode.  In today's episode I will share with you two articles that will make everything extremely understandable.

What you will learn in this...

Feb 27, 2017

Being in the flow is something many people have heard about.  However, they may not know exactly what it is.  Thanks to me and Leo Babauta, after this episode they will know all about it and exactly how to experience it.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • What "Flow" is
  • 9 Ways to experience flow
  • 2 actions (one big or...

Feb 24, 2017

We think that pity is an admirable quality, and on some level it is.  But it has an unserving side as well.  It does allow us to connect with another person.  That is a good thing; feeling compassion and empathy.  But it also has us feeling slightly superior to that person, which will never serve.  Today I talk about...

Feb 23, 2017

Hey my friends.  I went looking for something inspirational and found my Mom's journal.  It certainly fit the bill.  I hope you enjoy the passage I shared with you.  It gives you a better understanding of who I am and why it's so important for me to make the world a better place.



Feb 22, 2017

Jason Lee is the founder of, a site dedicated to making sure that those convicted of sexual assault serve their entire sentence.  He is also a contributor to an organization that helps men suffering from sexual abuse.

He is a father to a wonderful son, a dutiful husband and a giving son, himself.  He...