Nov 30, 2018
Sometimes I marvel at the experiences I have had in my meditations; all the lessons I have gleaned. It makes me thankful. One of the more profound meditations occurred when I was told of my choice to be human
The lessons that can only be learned in a physical body.
Nov 29, 2018
I have learned many things thanks to my ability to quiet my mind and be still. Four of those things I want to share with you over the next couple of days. Today I will talk about the benefits that come from understanding that your human life is not all there is.
How understanding a...
Nov 28, 2018
Maybe it’s just me, but I think some people may feel that self-led meditations have more value than guided meditations. I certainly don’t, because there is no validity to that perception. Today I talk about how both are beneficial parts of your practice.
Why guided meditations...
Nov 27, 2018
Regardless of where you live, or what religious faith you belong to, if any, this time of year is full of influences that tell you to buy things. The idea of buying gifts to demonstrate affection and care seems out of character with the true nature of the holidays. So how do you celebrate in a way that respects your...
Nov 26, 2018
One of the greatest things about meditation is its portability. Nothing is needed to meditate; only a desire and a focus. However, getting to the point of having a consistent meditation practice is difficult for many people. Even though the ultimate goal is to meditate without needing anything except ourselves, today I...