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Zen Commuter

Jun 30, 2021

Tomorrow I share my interview withy Rich Lewis, the author of Sitting with God: A Journey to Your True Self Through Centering Prayer. To get us prepared for that chat and get you more familiar with Rich’s work, today i though I would share with you a few sections from his book.

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Jun 29, 2021

The perfect way to end a week of compassion is to practice a Metta meditation. Come join.

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Jun 25, 2021

In order to be more compassionate you need to practice it more. Today I talk about a few ways to strengthen that empathic muscle.

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Easing Loneliness with Meditation. Come sign up and attend.

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Jun 23, 2021

Today I not only discuss the role compassion plays in Buddhist understanding of Enlightenment, but also help us understand how it can help us in our day to day lives, regardless of religion or ideology.

Free live event on Insight Timer

Easing Loneliness with Meditation. Come sign up and attend.

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Jun 21, 2021

The truest, most serving, compassion comes from authentically connecting with another. The most serving way to do this is to quiet your ego, cast off labels and meet another person where they are; wherever they are. Lets talk about it.

Free live event on Insight Timer

Easing Loneliness with Meditation. Come sign up and...