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Zen Commuter

Mar 28, 2024

One of the biggest reasons people have difficulty with a meditation practice, and eventually quit altogether, is they don't go into it knowing what it truly is.  Today I answer that question; what is meditation.  Not only will we talk about what it is, but we will talk about how it adds to our lives.



Mar 26, 2024

For the next five days I want to help beginners deepen their practice, or even get them interested enough to start one. To that end, I will be answering the top five questions that students ask in regard to their practice.  Today I talk about how to deepen focus and avoid distractions.  You'll be surprised to know what...

Mar 13, 2024

Even with a solid practice there are still many things to remember.  Today I talk about the lesson I relearned about creating all realities for a purpose.


Meditation Coaching

Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation)


Connect with Thom

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Mar 8, 2024

What a great way to end Tricycle week; by talking about something that almost all my students wrestle with at one point or another.  Why is meditation so hard.  Come listen.


Meditation Coaching

Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation)


Connect with Thom

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Mar 7, 2024

Andrew Safer is a mindfulness instructor and trainer, program developer, workshop facilitator, and author. A 53-year practitioner of mindfulness-awareness and Zen meditation, he began practicing in the Zen tradition in 1968 while in high school in California. When Andrew met the great Zen master Suzuki Roshi in 1968, in...