Apr 30, 2020
Starting a new habit can be challenging; utilizing tracking tools can help you keep track of your success. But when would it be serving to stop? Lets talk about it.
Apr 29, 2020
Today I share with you a phenomenal blog post from Rinpoche Anam Thubten that talks about the illusion of self. In it he talks about the path to enlightenment being as simple as just sitting.
Apr 28, 2020
You can assign a mudra or you can simply place them on your lap. But how you place them sets an intention. Come Listen
Apr 25, 2020
One of the biggest challenges for all meditations is the presence of thought. However, as I will discuss, there are ways to see thought and not become entangled in it. Let's talk about it.
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Apr 23, 2020
Today I turn to a trusted resource to help us learn about the energy behind action: intentions. I am sure you know that trusted resource is Tricycle.org. Specifically an article by Guo Jun: The Power of Intention. Come listen.
The power of Intention by Guo Jun